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Lazy Mike

Lazy Mike Gallery was founded in 2017 by Mikhail Ovcharenko and Tanya Stern. For the first few years, the gallery was located in Pico in Los Angeles, but in 2020 we decided to open an exhibition space in Moscow, on Malyi Kiselniy lane. In addition to the usual activities for galleries related to organizing exhibitions and representing the artists, it is very important for us to engage in educational activities. In our opinion, the educational function of the gallery is very important no less than the commercial component. Today the gallery works with 11 artists. In the matter of choosing artists, we rely on our preferences and experience; the gallery cooperates with a number of international artists, whose exhibitions are regularly held in museums in Europe and USA. The gallery works by appointment. This decision was made because it is important for us to find an individual approach to each guest and collector. In addition, private views are more relevant than ever in modern realities and allow you to enjoy art without worrying about observing social distance.

Artists presented at Cosmoscow 2020: Nikolay Koshelev, Daniel Lergon, Roman Manikhin.

  • Crab calls Roma Manikhin (b. 1977)  Oil on canvas 140 x 200 cm 2019  Courtesy Lazy Mike Gallery and the artist
    Crab calls Roma Manikhin (b. 1977) Oil on canvas 140 x 200 cm 2019 Courtesy Lazy Mike Gallery and the artist