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The Jewish Museum and the Tolerance Center present the discussion "Outsider Art and Galleries: Integration of "special" artists into the art market" within the framework of the Cosmoscow fair

With the support of the Jewish Museum and the Tolerance Center. The broad term "outsider art" today encompasses the work of neurodivergent artists, people with exclusionary experiences, and authors without professional experience. The discussion of experts, curators and philanthropists is devoted to the current state of outsider art in the art market, the problem of definitions and official recognition of the work of artists who do not have the support of the professional community. Participants will answer the questions: is outsider art marginal art today? How does this art get into institutions and why are there separate platforms for artists with developmental disabilities? The discussion can draw attention to the problem of outsider art, its position on the contemporary art scene and draw the attention of a wide audience to this phenomenon.


The broad term "outsider art" today unites the work of neuro-distinct artists, people with experience of exclusion and authors without professional experience. The discussion of experts, curators and benefactors is devoted to the current situation of outsider art in the art market, the problem of definitions and official recognition of the work of artists who do not have the support of the professional community. Participants will answer the questions: Is outsider art marginal art today? How does this art get into institutions and why are there separate platforms for artists with special needs? The discussion can draw attention to the problem of outsider art, its position on the modern art scene and draw the attention of a wide audience to this phenomenon.


Natalia Petukhova is a co-organizer and co-curator of the Latitude and Longitude project, which supports artists living in the PNR, an art critic, an employee of the inclusive department of the Russian Museum.

Nelly Uvarova - founder of the project "Naive? Very", theater and film actress.

Anastasia Lavrentieva - Head of the inclusive workshop "Naively? Very much."

Nadezhda Tsvetkovich - Head of the Scientific Department of the Ruarts Foundation, PhD.

Kristina Krasnianskaya is the director of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.

Alexander Sharov - owner of 11.12 GALLERY

Olga Fominykh is a public figure, founder of ANO Outsiderville (a project to support people with mental disabilities and outsider artists in Russia), a member of the Council of NGOs at the Russian Society of Psychiatrists, the Russian Art Therapy Association and the European Outsider Art Association.

Moderator - Evgenia Kiseleva-Afflerbach, Head of the Department of Interdisciplinary Projects of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.


  • 17 September 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.